IT Services - Servers - IT Outsourcing

We are a Czech-Slovak company with more than 15 years of experience in IT Outsourcing, server administration and providing professional IT services to companies and individuals.

Why work with us

  • We guarantee high quality standards.
  • An experienced team of top professionals will take care of you.
  • We offer comprehensive solutions and individual approach.
  • We are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.


We guarantee response time to client requests.


We guarantee the functionality of key components of IT services.

Safety and Security

Strict internal security policy for work and data access.


Our internal processes save you the cost of efficient IT operations.
Proxmox Partner

We are an Official Proxmox Partner

Our services

Linux Outsourcing

Outsourcing Linux Servers and Infrastructure

Outsourcing – management and administration of Linux servers and server infrastructure.

Web Hosting and E-Mail Hosting

Professional Web Hosting for companies and individuals. Reliable and secure email services.

Dedicated and Virtual Managed Servers

Dedicated managed servers and virtual servers with complex management.

IT services for companies and enterpreneurs

Comprehensive IT services for companies and entrepreneurs with above-standard care.


Proxmox VE is a platform for enterprise virtualization. We are an official Proxmox partner.

SSL Certificates

SSL certificates for your website, electronic signatures for your emails, documents and applications.

Backups and Disaster Recovery

Backup of company and personal data to external storage, Disaster Recovery plans.

We create IT that makes people's jobs easier and makes companies more secure and stable.

Contact us




☎️ +421 951 317 597
☎️ +420 702 804 250

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“Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.”
— Henry Ford

What our clients say about us

We pride ourselves on friendly, professional, and fair relationships with our clients. We prefer long-term and stable cooperation.

The service and commitment provided were always above and beyond what I expected. I also appreciate the creative suggestions in the area of architecture in dealing with complex situations where running applications were not programmed completely efficiently and were difficult to coordinate with increased traffic. I can definitely recommend the services!

Jan Navrátil

Our collaboration is professional and fast, so we can focus on our core business and our infrastructure is running exactly as expected. I can only recommend the services of the ServerMaster team.

Marián Škvárek, REALPAD Software LTD

“Kvalita znamená robiť veci správne, aj keď sa nikto nepozerá.”
— Henry Ford

Čo o nás povedali naši klienti

S našimi klientmi si zakladáme na priateľských, profesionálnych a férových vzťahoch. Preferujeme dlhodobú a stabilnú spoluprácu.
Poskytované služby a nasazení byly vždy nad rámec toho, co jsem očekával. Oceňuji také tvůrčí návrhy v oblasti architektury při řešení složitých situací, kdy běžící aplikace nebyly naprogramovány zcela efektivně a při zvýšeném trafficu  je bylo těžké ukočírovat. Jednoznačně mohu služby jen doporučit!

Jan Navrátil

Naša spolupráca prebieha profesionálne a rýchlo, takže sa možeme sústrediť na náš core business a infraštruktúra nám beží presne podľa očakávaní. Služby tímu ServerMaster možem jedine doporučiť

Marián Škvárek, REALPAD Software LTD